
















The Scientific Committee invites all participants wishing to contribute

to the scientific program to submit an abstract. All abstracts related

to conference topic are very welcome. Abstracts size of 100-200 words

in English should be filled in the online SPACE 2016 Registration Form

and have to be sent. The online Registration Form is available on the

conference website: http://space.uis.svf.tuke.sk/uvod/registration.htm.

Authors with accepted abstracts will be requested to prepare a full paper

and an extended abstract. Authors are reminded that submitted papers

must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication.

The Own Numerical Code use participant in title by saving the file

of full paper and extended abstract.

For Conference Proceedings published by Elsevier in Procedia

Engineering e-Journal the requisite number of pages for full paper is 4 - 8.

Please save the file in doc and pdf format titled: "Own Numerical Code"

(e.g. 123.doc and 123.pdf ).

For CD Proceedings the requisite number of pages for extended abstract

is 1 - 2. Please save the file in doc and pdf format titled: "Own Numerical Code_abstract" (e.g. 123_abstract.doc and 123_abstract.pdf ).

Templates for full paper and extended abstract will be sent with acceptation

of abstract by email or is available on the conference website: http://space.uis.svf.tuke.sk/uvod/template.htm.

Please submit your full paper (in doc and pdf format) and an extended

abstract (in doc and pdf format) directly together as "Own Numerical Code_abstract.zip" (e.g. 123.zip) on to space.uis.svf@gmail.com.

The Copyright Forms will be sent online to the email addresses

of all the corresponding authors at time of production.

The authors are then requested to sign the forms.